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Times have changed...

...and yet, all things old do, in fact, come around again. At least that's one reason I'm still hanging onto a couple heavily shoulder-padded jackets!

My valentines day 'gift' from PJ was the nasty cold/congestion flu-bug he's had for a few days (who needs flowers and candy, right?). I was trolling around on facebook this morning because I have no energy for much else, and I ran across this:

Some of the copy describing the aprons is hysterical! The aprons have 'dash, glamour, and decorative lure'. The red one at top left says 'You'll want to wear this when you are a tea-party hostess because it's so dainty'. When is the last time you heard the word dainty used in casual conversation?

I found a specific pattern just for tea party aprons-check it out!

Although I'm laughing at the concept, the truth is that these would make beautiful aprons today.

Here are a few more I just might get inspired by...

The McCall's one was a whopping 35-cents in the day!

Here's a couple interpretations of a remake of the half apron-minus the unflattering gathered waist.

I think my next project will be to work on some of the full ones, a wink to the nostalgic look, but with a modern interpretation.

Certainly NOT dainty.

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